How LapCom Works?

To search for a product:

There is a search box located at the top of the site. Type in the product you are looking for and it will appear to you if it is available.
Use the Browse All Products menu if you want to browse a specific product category. And you can move between the sections until you get what you want.
You can use the various rating options on the left to select the products that best suit you. Click on the product to see the price and add to the cart.

Know about the product and then add it to your cart:

Click on the product, see details such as pictures, specifications, price, customer reviews, then add to your cart.
You can also view other offers and several other products with all their details.

Log in and review your cart:

To view the shopping cart, click Continue to purchase to make sure that all the products you want to buy are in the shopping cart.


Enter your address in detail and click on the Save button.
Choose the appropriate payment method for you from LapCom.
Review your cart, shipping options, and payment method, then confirm your order.

Follow up on the order until it is delivered to you:

With LapCom, you can follow up on the status of the order until it reaches you through the order tracking page. Enter the product data and it will show you all its data and what its status is now.